Delsi was painless and showed me I was ready to sell,
Exceptional service! Delsi did what they said. Quick turnover. Thanks Delsi.
DELSI made my home selling experience seamless and rewarding!
Welcome to DELSI, LLC, Pronounced DEL-See.
We desire sellers and investors with lucrative real estate opportunities, some may be in need of repair.
We search for ready to sell property in desireable locations, we compare market values in your location, verses what needs to be rehabed, and your asking price verses a realistic cash offer. The sooner you sell the property the soon tax, insurance and home owner obligations end. Waiting on a pending contract thats not quite ready, We can close fast and you can rest easy with money in the bank,
What are we looking homes in a decent locations, with no majior structural repairs and not in a flood zone.
Resent inheretance, hoarder homes, behind on bills, leaving the location or going out of business, what ever the reason is if you ready at all give Delsi a call! We pay cash and we pay fast!
Delsi is dedicated to helping you navigate the market and achieve your closing goals.
All inquiries, please reach out through our contact form. We look forward to assisting you on your journey!
DELSI is commitment to excellence and your satisfaction.
We're buying! Lets negotiate now! Feel the success in your investment endeavors! Ready Set Go!